Monday, April 5, 2021

Seagull for 3D Group Project


Proxy seagull for our Island Project. Focused first on big shapes and proportion, and will take it from here to add feathers and wrinkles along the legs. 
Side Profile.
3/4 face view.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Ludo Game Res - WIP


Current Progression of Game Resolution Model for Ludo, with high resolution body below. As always the process was more difficult than expected, in particular all of the pointy hairs that protrude from his wrists, ankles, and head. 

face topo, Being done with minor animation in mind. 
High resolution of the main problem areas. 
Extra rear view of the game resolution build so far.

Portfolio 3 Week 3 - Ember's Textures

 To be frank I did fall behind on Ember this week thanks to multiple real life factors + other school obligations + end of semester burn out...