Monday, May 31, 2021

Portfolio Piece - Mermaid - Week 2

Due to some real-life complications and time losses over the weekend I'm not totally finished with the sculpt like I would have liked by the end of memorial day, but I'm not so far behind that a couple extra hours over the next two days wont catch me up. Some more minor detail sculpting on the headpiece, plus finishing up the bandeua/bra thing and sculpting the bottom tail fins will finish the sculpt. 


Friday, May 28, 2021

Sprint 1 Contribution - Labyrinth VR


For this first sprint I UV'd Ludo's gameres geo and tested how the normals would bake onto it; it went pretty well! 
proxy textures to get the point across...
I then moved onto to my Sprint 2 responsibility of sculpting the Muted Door Knocker using the above image as a reference.

WIP Sculpt in ZBrush.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Portfolio Piece 1 - Week 1 - Mermaid

In the spirit of MerMay I decided to make one of my character pieces a mermaid, in particular one from the artist Jenna Gray as i really appreciate her style and approach to designing original mermaids.
Ultimately we decided to choose this Art-Deco 20s inspired Mermaid. 
I put together a pure ref board of more mermaid designs, art deco pieces for style reference, and real photos of women from the 1920s, a mermaid inspired photoshoot, and the clochet hats that flappers made common in the 20s.

Proxy blocking in ZBrush


Portfolio 3 Week 3 - Ember's Textures

 To be frank I did fall behind on Ember this week thanks to multiple real life factors + other school obligations + end of semester burn out...