Sunday, June 6, 2021

Week 3 Portfolio Piece- Mermaid Sculpt finished and Game Res created

Finished high resolution sculpt of the Mermaid in Zbrush. 
I tried to accentuate edges and natural highlight points along her body, both to stylize and make her feel otherworldy, as well as in the style of many art deco statues that I found as reference.
Close up on Hands and finger nails.

Her game resolution head in Maya. Wireframe below. Since I will only have time to get some renders that match the original concept, in which she is almost already posed, I let ZBrush ZRemesher handle most of the bulk of the body and I went in personally to quad draw her face and neck. Her mouth wont be opening but I still took the chance to practice making proper face topology.
 From here I'll UV her, texture her, and the add some a basic skeleton to be able to pose her arms and torso for the final renders.

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